Going Into the Void – What Really Happens in a Car Wash?

Going Into the Void – What Really Happens in a Car Wash?

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Between the weather and the daily drive you take your car on there can be days where it seems your vehicle takes quite a beating. While you get yourself into the shower each day to get cleaned up before you start your day (okay, well you do this most days, hopefully), your car may get overlooked and forgotten when it comes to keeping it clean. It is only when you walk out to the driveway one morning and notice the thick layer of dirt, dust, grime and pollutants all over your car and that one of your kids has kindly written “”Wash Me”” on the side that you know you need a wash. You head over to your local car wash, pay your money and head on through, but have you ever wondered what is happening to your car as you go through the car wash to make this all happen?

The Beginning – When you first drive up to the car wash you will see your array of choices for the type of cleaning you want. Since most systems are completely automated today, the extras you are paying for are generally things that need to be done by hand by the workers there. You inch your way in, pay your money for your service and will be directed to align your car onto the conveyor belt so that the wheels are on properly. You then put your car in neutral and the conveyor begins to move your car into the wash.

Computers Take Over – Just as is the case with most cars today, car washes generally run on a computer system. An infrared eye reads your car coming to certain points in the car wash to trigger certain events. As your car reaches the designated point, it may come to a stop briefly as a sequence begins. The system determines the length of your car and operates the rest of the system based on that information.

Washing Up – The car will initially go through a pre-soak phase to get it wet all over. There are usually chemicals involved here to help loosen the dirt on the car. You will then pass through a foam applicator area that applies the detergent to your car. You then pass through a row of giant scrubbers that work their way over the car to rub the detergent in and remove the dirt. The scrubbers are soft and move very quickly to do the job. The car the passes through high pressure washers that blast the detergent and suds off, cleaning the car.

The End is Near – At this point you enter an area that starts of sounding like a giant airplane is coming near you. In fact, in some places it even looks like the airplane is landing on you as a big dryer comes right on and over your car to give it a fast dry. You then come to the end of the conveyor belt and your drops off the belt, letting you put it into drive and be on your way.

Going through the car wash is no big mystery and can be a big help to your car to prevent rust and corrosion. If your car seems like even a good washing will not help at this point you may want to turn to your local fiat corona dealership at http://www.ocfiat.com to get a shiny new car that looks and runs great instead.

About the author

Jacab Horle