There are many Inverness car dealers selling you quality used cars. No matter what your tastes or requirements are, you shouldn’t find it too hard to identify something suitable on the local market. Before you hit the forecourts or start looking at ads, it’s wise to work out exactly what you can afford to spend and which models will suit your needs. Don’t be influenced by a low price tag alone – there is no point buying a car if you cannot stretch to the tax, insurance or fuel. Why not get a more experienced person to help if you’ve never bought a second-hand car before?
Get the deal you’re looking for
Most cars lose around 40% of the value after just one year on the road, which explains why so many people are deciding to sidestep brand new cars and opt for second-hand vehicles. Wait a few years for a great new car to hit the second-hand market and you’ll be able to benefit from an array of modern features for a fraction of the price you would have originally paid.
Dealer or seller?
If you buy from a private seller, you won’t be protected by the Sale of Goods Act. This makes it harder to return the car if you find a fault that you weren’t told about before you handed over your money. Most dealers are part of trade associations and won’t want to risk being kicked out of them by treating you badly. This means there are usually fewer risks attached to buying from a dealer. In any case, examine all the paperwork with care and ask as many questions as you need to before you agree to a purchase. Navigate the market sensibly and you should have years of fantastic motoring ahead of you.